Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bad Bad Groundhog

It has recently come to my attention that the sun isn't going to be around much for the next six weeks.

I wish it would come back. Instead, this gray weather makes me feel like this:

And I want to dress like this, every day:

I can't believe that I spent any time, at all, complaining about the heat during the past few months.

I want to go back to the sun!

p.s. Many thanks to all of my readers (you are a passionate few, apparently!) who wrote to me about the mold issue. I'm also trying to convince my landlord to pay attention, so . . . We'll see what happens. I'm going to combat it as best I can, even if that means leaving it alone so that I don't have to breathe it in!


moravkovaeva said...

You are my sun shining! :-*

Anonymous said...

is fried food how you combat mold? be careful! more lemon and less inhaling spores!
ok, sorry. I'm sure it'll work out – plus something about battered fried food does seem consoling...

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you, looking 'put out', in Florida!

Is there a groundhog in Bologna? He'd never be able to see his shadow with all that cloud coverage!

Did someone say 'lemon'???

Anonymous said...

It's an ungodly 9 degrees F. here in NJ, a far cry from that lovely aqua water in Sanibel. The word 'landlord' is archaic, isn't it? Keep after him (or her). California looking better by the moment.....