Friday, August 22, 2008

The Most Beautiful Sea in the World

I just got back from my trip to Puglia, and I fell completely in love with the place. The hospitality, the food, the landscape. Everything. And especially the beaches. Puglia is the heel of the boot, and the southernmost part, where I was, is really shaped like a heel - a spike heel. So depending on which side of the heel you're on, you face the Adriatic Sea or the Ionian Sea, and you can drive between the two in a matter of hours.

The water is so beautiful - in every place I went to - that it's like a swimming pool. But better. Anyway, this post is dedicated to the sea in Puglia.

This is the water at Castro, near the southern tip. We went to visit the lovely Serena who took us on a boat tour with her father - the sea wolf - and stuffed us with food. This was my favorite seaside spot from the whole trip. The water is incredibly clear and blue. Grazieeeeeeee Serena!

At the Baia dei Turchi, in the Limini area. The presence of the man in a Speedo is accidental, but a good illustration of the Italian beach scene.

At Otranto. This is the water in the port of a small city. It's definitely not the port of Boston, that's for sure.

This is the beach right outside my roommate Francesca's family beach house. You opened the door, and you saw this.

The same water, with me in it.

I want to turn around and go back!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sea. What is the building in the background?

Anonymous said...

That water looks glorious! A lot nicer than the water in our basement, though the depth looks about the same as last week's flood. And nobody looks too nervous about skin cancer or global warming. You're in the right place, eeeems!!

Betty said...

Evvivaaa!!! Il Salento sul tuo blog! E'stato bello ospitarti nel mare più bello del mondo! Ci rivediamo presto a Bologna, io intanto continuo la mia vacanza e faccio ancora qualche bagno anche per te... e aspetto la classifica ;-) Baci

Serena said...

E' stato un piacere, Emma!
E sono felice che la mia terra ti sia entrata nel cuore...Bacioni

Anonymous said...

I can't see clubs, there.
No clubs in Puglia?

The Speedo man is amazing.

Anonymous said...

aaaackkkk!! too beautiful!! mental break down in my heaaddd i want to be there now now now!!!!