Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pause in Action

I'm currently traveling for work, and I have lots of photos of my birthday that I wanted to put up here, but instead I'm using the resources I have at hand.

The photos below were taken by the amazing camera of Robert Marnika, who has recently been visiting our choir and possibly thinking of joining. (We need more baritones!) Robert is Croatian, and runs an amazing-sounding photo workshop in Croatia in August. Worth drooling over.

He lent the camera to my friend Michele, who then took these photos (which I love). There are quite a few crazy-looking ones of me, which will not go into this entry, but I liked many others. We had a party last Friday, with lots of wine and music, and these were the results. (The above photo was taken by me, in the hills outside Bologna. I think it's some of the most beautiful countryside I've ever seen in Italy, but I might just be biased.)


Critiquing photos.

Sarah, sei bellissima e abbronzattissima. Colpa del giardino! (E vedi che ti ho scritto un messaggio in italiano?)

This is me being Korean. Jean, do you appreciate the peace sign?

Also, the poetry reading that I mentioned below went off without a hitch. I actually managed to speak in Italian in front of 50 people and I wasn't too much of an idiot. I spoke in sentences, didn't sweat too much or turn neon red (as I am wont to do), and I read my poem from start to finish. How amazing is that?


Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

i appreciate the peace sign. and i'm not korean.
america misses you. hope you had a fantastick birth.

Anonymous said...

Korean! u have been inducted into the 2-4 club! (though i wish i could welcome u in person w/ a big hug and serving of kimchi) salangheh and i miss u!!

Anonymous said...

Basta Italia! I miss you, too, so why don't you come "home"?

Luckily, there are no cats in these photos, so at least I'm still number one in that department.

(Rosa was going to speak for me, but she's abandoned me, too.)